

Noel Naff

Noel has been our "Super Pastah" for over 10 years now.

"What are some things you do within your position?"

-"As a pastor, I equip the saints (Ephesians 4) and provide spiritual leadership for members of the church. I strive to create an atmosphere of meaningful worship. I preach and lead Bible Study weekly. I meet with committees and individuals providing care, concern, and a way to continue the works of Jesus."

What does it mean to you to be in the role within the church?

-"I oversee many areas of the congregation’s ministry as we as a congregation grow in the fullness of Christ, Jesus."

Pastor of Hispanic Ministries

Lupita Cruz- Ortiz

Lupita Cruz-Ortiz is the pastor for our Hispanic Ministry.

What are some things you do within this position?

"As a church planter/ pastor my work consist of evangelism work in the community, prayer walking and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone who will open their hearts to receive the good news. I preach and lead services, bible studies and prayer meetings weekly. We welcome people of all backgrounds, new believers and people who are already members of the body of Christ looking for a church to call home. We strive to have a church rooted and built up in Christ, where the Holy Spirit is welcomed and given the liberty to transform, heal and mend all who are thirsty for God’s presence."

What does it mean to you to be in this role within the church?

"This is my passion! As a recipient of Gods mercy, I feel the responsibility to minister to whoever will let Jesus in their hearts. Church planting is a lot of work that takes so much prayer, patience, love, and faith but its what God has called us to do and with His calling He equips us to equip others, so its all possible through Gods grace."


Lance Thompson

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Hermonite Media Director

Rita Scott

Rita is the Hermonite Media Director. She works closely with Amber (her daughter) to insure that all social media platform are running smoothly for the church.

What are some things you do within this position?

-"I over see all the church's social media sites with the help of Amber Scott. I take care of posting the events that go on within the church. I also post any announcements that need to be made, along with birthdays and anniversaries. I help with taking pictures and some videos for the sites as well."

What does it mean to you to be in this role within the church?

"In this role, I am able to reach people outside of our four walls. I'm able to tell the world about the amazing things that our loving and caring church does to help our community here in Bassett, Va. What people see on our social media websites might be the only "church" some may see. That's a big responsibility."

Hermonite Media Producer

Amber Koloda

Amber is the Hermonite Media Producer. She works closely with Rita (her mother) to insure that all social media platform are running smoothly for the church. Amber is who crated and keeps up our church's website! 

What are some things you do within this position?

-"My job is to listen to other's idea for Hermonite Media, dream up a concept, and make it come to life through media. I run the church's website and film and edit all of Hermonite Media's videos."

What does it mean to you to be in this role within the church?

-"Honestly, it's a huge commitment! Sometimes it's really hard to balance work life, personal life and church life but I love every second of my job here at Mount Hermon. Not to mention, this a such an amazing group of people to be a part of."